The beauty gurus do them all the time and sometimes i like to join in on the fun. The tmi tag booktube edition chandler baker november 19, 2014 book club, books leave a comment chandler decided to jump in on the tmi tag train with the booktube version. Book tmi tag witajcie, zostalam nominowana przez pewna logistyczke do ciekawego tagu. Ive put together a list with 73 questions for couples in any stage of their relationship. So for todays blog post i thought id do something a little different, as you all know the tmi tag used to be a huge thing amongst many youtubers. She did this tmi book tag on her blog very recently, and so you know i need to do it too so lets get on with it. Kiedys ogladalam je pasjami i na polskim, i na zagranicznym booktubie, jednak od dluzszego czasu nowe tagi mnozna sie jak grzyby po deszczu i wiekszosc niestety jest pozbawiona sensu. A blog about the joy of owning and driving the ariel atom. O rany, ile pytan xd ja tam jestem w slytherinie xdd robilam quiz na pottermore i mnie tiara przydzielila.
Alternate who gets to ask the first question each round. A co do tego drugiego jesli macie jakies pytania na jakie wlasnie moglabym odpowiedziec w tej serii to serdecznie zapraszam do pisania ich w komentarzach, albo na moim fanpage. In my opinion, tmi questions are funniest to listen to as they are really intense, so if you are a bit shy and dont want to share really personal secrets, this might not be for you. Tmi is a blog tag that involves answering fifty random questions about yourself and your life. Not every friendship or relationship in general is always perfect. Postanowilam wiec odpowiedziec na pytania tmi book tagu z nadzieja, ze moj umysl rozkreci sie i podpowie mi cos bardziej kreatywnego w kazdym razie, zapraszam.
Dzis bedzie okolo ksiazkowo, poniewaz postanowilam odpowiedziec na tmi book tag. Jakis czas temu zostalam nominowana przez do ostatniej strony za co jej serdecznie dziekuje, do chyba najdluzszego tagu, jaki widzialam tmi book tag. Dzisiaj zapraszam na ostatnio bardzo popularny tag tmi, czyli too much information. Blog ma dopiero miesiac, a mimo to ma juz ponad wyswietlen. Two, youd have to wait to read my thoughts about it on april 19th, where my. Tmi stands for too much information and in this tag, you have to answer 50 pretty random questions. Usiadzcie wygodnie, poniewaz dzisiaj mam dla was tmi book tag. Ten tez zapisze i za jakis czas zrobie bo ma ciekawe pytania. You can do the tag if you want, if not, you can totally decline it. Piszcie, czy wam sie podoba i czy chcielibyscie wiecej tego typu rzeczy. Przy okazji chcialabym wam podziekowac za wyswietlen. W nowy rok zakonczylam swoja przygode z darami aniola, czyli przeczytalam miasto niebianskiego ognia. This book shows the actual problems that can occur between two best friends.
If you cant wait to record your first girlfriend or boyfriend tag video, but havent found the right questions yet, youre in luck. Dear diary, hello precious living being i have been tagged for the tmi tag by this amazing blogger. Today i wanted to do the tmi tag and i got these questions from root report. Skincarehow many times do you wash your face daily. Trkche dlugi ten tag, ale wiekszosc to ciekawe pytania. Zostalam otagowana przez ptysie patysie do zrobienia tmi tag, jednak jako, ze mam bloga o ksiazkach postanowilam za zgoda ptysi zrobic wersje ksiazkowa. I really want to make one with my friend on the youtube, please help me. Book tag, kolejna nominacja, kolejny tag, odpowiedzi, pytania, tagged book tag, troche sporo. So the too much information tmi tag has been floating around bloggers for a while. Mam nadzieje ze dotrwacie do konca, i nie zanudze was zbytnio.
Znamy sie z paulina pare lat i nie moglabym nie odpowiedziec na ta nominacje. Its amazing i highly recommend the atom to anyone who enjoys speed and handling. Basically, someone creates a set of questions, answers them in a vlog and at the end, tags a few youtubers to answer the same questions next. Bardzo chcialam wam podziekowac za wszystkie wyswietlenia i komentarze. Nuzy mnie jednak dodawanie w kolko tylko recenzji ksiazkowych, a pomysly na posty o innej tematyce jakos wyjatkowo nie przychodza mi do glowy. Rozsiadzcie sie wiec wygodnie, bo przed wami troche czytania.
Love to learn more about you from thisi want to say so so sorry for not being able to get back with you its my lupus and fibro it is really acting up had to cancel my one appointment today due to the painand i may have to rest here for a bit please understand i miss our chats i havent forgot about those mags the one would be like 46. I dont knowany character who has a relaxed, casual style. A book has been released called a history of notable shadowhunters and denizens of downworld. Standing for too much information, some of the questions in the tag are fairly personal and are evidently intended to help your blog readers get to know the real you. All results are shadowhunter lives so no faeries, vampires, werewolves or warlocks. Make sure to take a look at her very beautiful blog. Dlaczego te pytania sa takie, ze nie moge udzielic jednej odpowiedzi. Then again, i read it like any other cassandra clare book.
So, are you ready to challenge your bff to a game of best friend tag. Pytania sa zaskakujace, dziwne, wscibskie, refleksyjne i smieszne, wiec nie przedluzajac zapraszam wszystkie ciekawskie duszyczki do poczytania. Wyglada na to, ze luty bedzie jednym z najslabszych blogowych miesiecy od polowy stycznia walcze ze strasznym przeziebieniem, a jest g. Have been feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis and vagina. It is inspired by the victorian language of flowers. Na pewno wezme udzial, jak znajde chwilke czasu, ale najpierw musze ci odpisac na list. I cant believe im actually getting two videos up in one week. Tmi stands for too much information, and indeed, when someone answers these questions, its expected from them to share really deep details. No one tagged me in this video, i just decided to do it on my own. Continue until someone reaches 25 points or however many points you want to play to. Name changed as whilst appreciate it happens to the best of us im mortified. Also magnus bane is not a love interest option because i wouldnt dare mess with malec.
The friend who has the most points at the end of the game is the best friend. Told in the language of flowers by cassandra cartwright clare and cassandra starkweather jean. Zapraszam was do zobaczenia moich odpowiedzi na 15 pytan. W koncu bede miala wystarczajaco duzo czasu, aby nadrobic moje ksiazkowe i blogowe zaleglosci. I just got done reading a book called tmi by patty blount. Wybralam akurat ten, poniewaz bardzo podobaja mi sie pytania. Najpierw chcialam byc w gryffindorze, potem ravenclaw, ale teraz stwierdzam, ze slytherin jest najlepszy.
Sometimes you need to see when the friendship is getting to the point where its just toxic. You will come to find that the results are not entirely book accurate. People are loving the idea and the concept of youtube tags because it is a very simple yet effective way of getting in touch with the viewers and it is amusing for the viewers as well. It basically has many pictures of different flowers and explains what kind of flower they are, plus extra information. I was watching a few youtube videos earlier today and i saw essiebutton and beautycrush do the tmi tag together. The lifechanging magic of not giving a fuck by sarah knight.
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